

A simple downloader for pixiv daily


  • git clone
  • SET ENV, for example: export PIXIV_USERNAME='233'
  • npm start


  • Most configure in config.js, please modify it as you want
  • Please modify ENV setting if you want to use huaweicloud cdn. (disable by default)
Property Default Description
pixiv.username process.env.PIXIV_USERNAME pixiv username
pixiv.password process.env.PIXIV_PASSWORD pixiv password
pixiv.proxy process.env.HTTP_PROXY http_proxy for pixiv
webdriver headless selenium args
save.aria2Enable false enable or disable aria2
save.aria2.href null aria2 download url href
save.aria2.rpc localhost:6800 aria2 rpc config
save.aria2.config {"pause-metadata": "true"} aria2 download configure
save.proxy process.env.HTTP_PROXY http_proxy for download
save.dir path.resolve(__dirname, './tmp') save dir for image
save.limit 10 concurrency download limit
redis.enable true using redis to remove duplicate
redis.connect {"port": 6379,"host": ""} Redis connection configure.
proxy process.env.HTTP_PROXY global http_proxy
user_agent windows chrome default, dont modify UserAgent for download, dynamic update
baseUrl process.env.HWC_BASEURL huaweicloud cdn basic url
HWC_ENABLE process.env.HWC_ENABLE (disable by default) enable or disable huaweicloud cdn
HWC_BASEURL process.env.HWC_BASEURL huaweicloud cdn basic url
NAME process.env.HWC_NAME huaweicloud username
PASSWORD process.env.HWC_PASSWORD huaweicloud password
USER_DOMAIN_NAME process.env.HWC_USER_DOMAIN_NAME huaweicloud user domain name
SCOPE_DOMAIN_NAME process.env.HWC_SCOPE_DOMAIN_NAME huaweicloud user scope domain name

See: https://apiexplorer.developer.huaweicloud.com/apiexplorer/doc?product=IAM&api=KeystoneCreateUserTokenByPassword
See: https://apiexplorer.developer.huaweicloud.com/apiexplorer/doc?product=CDN&api=CreatePreheatingTasks
Redis configure: https://github.com/NodeRedis/node-redis#options-object-properties


Known issues

  • Socket hang up when committing huaweicloud preheating task.


  1. Why does the file name look strange? Such as: 83876617_p0.png, 83882514_p0.jpg, 83875546_p1.jpg. Does it have any special meaning?
  • Yes, it does.
  • Take 83876617_p0.png for instance, I think 83876617 is the unique id for each artwork, p0 and p1 is the index of each image which are in the same artworks.
  • You can visit https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/${unique_id} to verify it, for example, https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/83876617